Save the Wood Creek Forest

Update Clarification

In our earnestness to get an update out to the neighborhood (due to the extended period of time since the last substantial update) we may have implied that the status of Wood Creek has been formally tabled.  This is NOT the case to the best of our knowledge.  Although it has been quite some time since there have been any specific, decisive updates from the city, please know we continue to reach out and communicate with our city council members and monitor the situation regarding the status of the Wood Creek Property.  Based on the last conversation that city representatives joined us in, there are no specific initiatives currently in place regarding Wood Creek, but that does not mean there never will be.  We have reduced the frequency of our meetings and will reduce the frequency of our updates but please know we have not lost any of our commitment to the issue.  If there is anything to share that we learn, we will share it.  

In the meantime, we will continue to celebrate the natural beauty and wildlife that is supported in the Wood Creek forest.  Keep an eye out for photos and stories of what the forest means to the folks who have history here.  If you have a story of your own, please let us know so that we can share your love of this special place both as part of our ongoing narrative with the city and with the other people in Everett and the surrounding areas who care about the future of Wood Creek forest via our social media accounts.

We will continue to remain vigilant, and ask that you do the same.

Thank you, Stewards of Wood Creek Everett

This entry was posted on April 8, 2023 at 3:37 PM and has received 612 views.


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City of Everett Park Survey

The City of Everett is asking for input on your ideas to guide its park systems to meet community needs and to tailor the new Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) plan. This plan will contain the vision and objectives for capital investment and park operation guidelines. If you have time, please let them know that our open spaces are important to us.

Thank you again!

The new parks survey URL is found at:

This entry was posted on May 3, 2021 at 8:37 PM and has received 854 views.


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City of Everett Housing Action Plan Community Survey

The City of Everett has posted a survey asking its citizens for input regarding housing issues as part of the housing action plan.  We encourage everyone to participate by taking a few minutes to fill out the survey with their thoughts.  Save Wood Creek Everett is sharing this survey because as part of the work to preserve Wood Creek and the surrounding forest, we have been challenged with inquiries about our stance on low-income and supplemented housing.  As a group we are simply focused on the preservation of Wood Creek and the surrounding wild space, so we want to be sure that you are all encouraged to speak for yourselves regarding housing in Everett.

The deadline is tomorrow afternoon, so if you have thoughts and opinions on housing in Everett, please let them know!

Thanks folks!

The survey URL is found at:

More information about the survey can be found on the City of Everetts webpage:

This entry was posted on April 29, 2021 at 4:25 PM and has received 770 views.


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Next step: please sign our petition. This should only take a few moments of your time.

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This entry was posted on June 3, 2020 at 1:58 AM and has received 2756 views.


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Sign our petition to stop the sale of the Wood Creek

Sign the Petition -

Sale of Wood Creek Threatens Habitat and Land Stability

Next up: please raise your objections and contact the Everett City Council

This entry was posted on June 3, 2020 at 1:00 AM and has received 2863 views.


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Reasons to oppose the sale

  • During the Covid stay at home order, we are denied meaningful, face-to-face discourse
  • City's stated committment to protect urban forest
  • Environmentally protected area already suffering from landslides
  • Sink Holes in Wood Creek have already destroyed neighbors homes
  • Removal of forest will increase landslide risk
  • Critical wildlife habitat & public green space should be protected and preserved
  • Wood Creek is the main source of water for Everett's Marshland Tidal Wetland Restoration Project
  • Preserving the riparian forest will improve water quality
  • Keeping the Wood Creek forested corridor intact will improve wild life
  • The city has not taken any serious study of existing landslide risks
  • Wood Creek is an important historical landmark- it was Everett's original water source
  • Access to Valley View is already challenged with one bridge

This entry was posted on June 3, 2020 at 12:59 AM and has received 792 views.


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Contact the Everett City Council

Contact the City Council with your objections to the sale of the Wood Creek property.

Here are some of our tips and suggestions when contacting them:

We urge you to send your objections via email, or call all 7 city council members, and other department leaders as necessary.

If you're speaking on the phone, be brief.

Refer to the language in our petition or use our additional reasons to oppose the sale.

Don't use all of the reasons, pick a few that best resonate with you.

When communicating:

  • Include your name, address, and neighborhood
  • Be calm
    • Our energy needs to be professional
    • Present to build support for our cause
  • Be concise
    • Think in sound bites to be remembered
    • Keep it simple
  • Be clear
    • Speak from what you know
    • Put facts before feelings
  • Be collected

Adapted to the web from Babby Skowyra's Power-Point Presentation

This entry was posted on June 3, 2020 at 12:58 AM and has received 3670 views.


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Everett City Council Contacts

Name Email Phone
President Judy Tuohy 425-257-8787
Liz Vogeli 425-257-8784
Jeff Moore 425-257-8703
Scott Bader 425-257-8703
Scott Murphy 425-257-8703
Paul Roberts 425-257-8703
Brenda Stonecipher 425-257-8703
Mayor Cassie Franklin 425-257-7115

This entry was posted on June 3, 2020 at 12:58 AM and has received 779 views.


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Stewards of Wood Creek Everett Mission

To protect and preserve the Wood Creek forest for future generations through conservation and stewardship.

Footer Logo The City of Everett has proposed the sale of about 92.5 acres of undeveloped green belt property. Wood Creek lies in the valley between the Valley View and Eastmont neighborhoods. Wood Creek was the main source of drinking water for the city of Everett between 1898 and 1916, until the Sultan River water project was completed. The land and the creek is a critical habitat for a variety of animals and wildlife. Additionally, the land is unstable and many parts of the land are critically sloped. This group is for anyone opposing this proposal and for trying to preserve this critical land.

Everett's Original Watersource: Main Wood Creek Reservoir in June of 1909.

Everett's Original Watersource

Galaxie Blog Version 1.50 November 22 2019 © Gregory Alexander