Hi all,

Michael Wright is organizing an in person community outside townsquare event on September 12th at 1 PM.

The location will be held in Valley View at 8108 24th Dr. SE. The location is the same spot that our original kickoff meeting was held in May.

This is an outdoor event so there should be plenty of room for social distancing, but masks are still required by state mandate.

Some of the people in attendance will be Michael Wright, of course, and Babby Skowyra and the energetic door-to-door communicator Karen.

They will be providing updates regarding the recent question and answer interview with Mayor Cassie Franklin (Q&A with Cassie), and emphasize the need to continue contacting our council members to keep this issue on our radar.

Michael Wright will provide further details on other issues such as personal outreach and Save Wood Creek signage.

Gregory Alexander and Michael Mallahan will provide updates on Stewards of Wood Creek Everett (SWCE) activities and assist and ask for the community to subscribe to the www.savewoodcreek.org website.

All are welcome, no matter where you live.

For more information or questions, please contact contact Michael Wright at michael@savewoodcreek.org

Hope to see you there!

Note: if you want to attend from the Eastmont side, but don't have a ride, contact Gregory Alexander at gregory@savewoodcreek.org. I may be able to give you a ride.